Meet the Team

Openlogix Management consists of executives from the IT industry with an average industry experience of over 18 years each and a total industry experience of over 75 years combined. Their experiences vary from Automotive to Healthcare to Telecom and have worked for major corporations and for major consulting companies before starting up Openlogix.

People behind our success – And yours!

From Dreamers to Philosophers – From Athletes to Musicians – From Detroit to Houston – From New York to San Francisco — we’re a pretty happy and lively bunch here at Openlogix! Though we are all not in the same location, we do share a common theme: Do what you love! Love what you do! We all feel pretty darn good about delivering best of breed IT solutions that transforms and disrupts the way companies do business. Some of the titles @Openlogix include:

  • Software Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • UX Specialist
  • Web Designer
  • Mobile Developer
  • Solutions Architect
  • Infrastructure Specialist
  • Middleware Engineer
  • Business Development Rep
  • Marketing
  • Management
  • Accounting
  • Systems Admin
We are HIRING! Talk to us if you are looking. We are always looking to hire excited and enthusiastic individuals to join us.
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Openlogix is now part of the
K2 Partnering Solutions group, strengthening our commitment to deliver exceptional services to power digital transformation for our valued customers.