Get IBM Software Quote

IBM Software Quote

One stop source for all of your IBM licensing needs.

Openlogix is an IBM Premier Business Partner and an Authorized Reseller of all IBM Software. If you are new to buying IBM Software or an existing IBM customer, talk to us about your IBM Software licensing needs.

If you need an IBM Software quote from Openlogix, please complete the below software quote form and one of us will get back to you within the next business day. Your information is private and secure. It won’t be shared to any third party companies and is backed by our privacy terms and conditions. 

  • IBM Cloud
  • IBM Integration
  • IBM Security
  • IBM Mobile
  • IBM Analytics
Whether your buying new licensing or renewing existing licenses, we are here to assist you with your IBM Software needs.

Learn more about our IBM Partnership

For more information call 1-248-869-0080

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