API Connect Workshop

Bring you use cases, we bring the workshop to you.

This workshop provides a streamlined approach to evaluating the IBM API Connect platform. The lab-based curriculum covers the most critical evaluation criteria that companies should consider when selecting an API management platform, as well as building, monitoring, and enriching their APIs.

We can do this 2 ways:

  1.  Work on your use cases
  2. A Pre-determined set of exercises for you to see the power of IBM API Connect.

Want to know more about an API Connect Workshop or an API Connect demo? Talk to us.

Let's talk APIs

Get started with your IBM API Connect journey!

To learn how you can deploy new products and services faster, with improved operational efficiency and profitability, schedule a Proof-Of-Concept/Pilot with a few of your applications to establish the business ROI, and see for yourself.

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