Oh! IBM.. now you let Larry possibly take over Sun..

Follow up to my previous post on IBM acquiring Sun. We were so excited about that as that would fit very well into our long term strategy around IBM offerings. I was so down when IBM withdrew the bid to buy Sun a few days ago.

We were still wondering last week as to Why Oracle has not come out with an offer to buy Sun. Who else might need these guys other than IBM or Oracle.

Now that IBM has loosened it’s grip over this deal, Larry will not let go of this thing. Meanwhile, Java stock-holders good for you.. This is gonna happen. Once he’s made his decision to go after something, that’s it.. he is not even going to listen to himself. IBM.. I guess, we can forget Sun for now, unless you wanna pay up your nose of more than $8B and then start a bidding war for Sun. Is Sun that much worth.. I dont know.. u guys decide that for yourselves..



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